Warung Bebas

Monday, July 25, 2005

Real Untouched Conversation

Me: hhhhhrrrrrrgggg.... My throat kinda hurts.
Mr. Bigness: me too babes
Me: when did yours start?
Mr. Bigness: about a week past
Me: (incredulous) and you were still kissing me ON THE MOUTH?
Mr. Bigness: ...
Me: remember I explained to you about the oral transmission of disease? How when your throat hurts, you are not supposed to put your mouth on me anywhere? You pass your sickness to me ORALLY!
Mr. Bigness: but babes, you know I can't resist you.
Me: ...

So I have a sore throat, fever AND my computer is screwed up again. So, you might not hear from me for a couple of days.
Question: do you think Mr. BIgness should be punished for this? Maybe I should give him chickenpox as revenge or measles. What do you think?

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