In case you're wondering, this aint me. I went to the
Caye Caulker message board and saw congratulations are in order for the wedding that was not to be.
Bigness ordered the rings weeks ago, and brought home the very confusing application form,
and then our prep cook/opener left for a week to attend to her daughter who was delivering a child on the mainland. It wasn't unexpected, but in the words of Monty Python, no one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition. So MCS and I have been working our azzes off, you would think we would be skinny by now, but no such luck, and slinging coffee and bagels
every morning and all day since, and then falling into a puddle of orange juice at the end of the day. Not the romantic weekend Bigness and I imagined. Thank goodness postponing
the wedding meant not having to call anyone, since we hadn't invited anyone anyway, just the witnesses, and were just going to do a quiet (with emphasis on the word QUIET) ceremony at home, or at someone's home, or on a boat, or in the car, with the windows rolled up and the air conditioner on. I feel the papparazzi closing
in on me even now! We've changed the date, and its such a secret that even WE don't know what it is.
Next thing I know... as I looked up from the pile of coffee cups I was washing, it was the holy of holiest high days of romance (Valentine's Day) and I was
photographing another wedding. A really lovely couple and about 20 of their friends came down for a great vacation and wedding. Relaxed, content and happy, the bride and groom made it so easy on me.
I was nervous after my last debacle with hurricane hair bride, but the day was perfect, not too hot, gentle breeze blowing. The bride and groom were casual and not concerned about impressing anyone, just enjoying the day. Exactly the way it should be.
Here are some other photos that I took, when I wasn't paying attention, I mean, between shots. It seems like my best photos happen when I'm shooting the wrong thing. The answer is yes, I did get in trouble in school for looking out the window and daydreaming too often.
Stairway to Heaven
Why I Love the Color Pink