Update: We have changed MCS’s name to Supergirl and are getting a set of pink pipe wrenches for her. She’s surpassed her mother in building repair and has moved from using scissors, a can opener or a big screwdriver for a hammer, and actually uses a real hammer. I, however, am not going to change my bad ways and can still be found using kitchen utensils to slam metal spikes into wood. My recommendation for kitchen hammer is a hand held metal lime squeezer.
To Big Tilly: who was a bad boy and is in the Caye Caulker jail cell next door we finally found our “Now It’s A Party” CD and we will supply music for meditation. Just give us a shout out for track 2, cuz you bad boyz bad boyz, whattya gonna do, whattya gonna do when they come for you.
Later that day: Supergirl and I are sitting under the street side canopy outside of the art gallery just wasting time. We’re supposed to be doing side work, making coffee ice cubes, cutting up fruit, and in general making things for people to eat, but it will wait, there’s lots of time, there’s a l w a y s time. Its Eye-tale-eon season here on Caye Caulker so the afternoon parade is like a semi nudist colony of skinny women with softboiled egg breasts and wooly manmoths in-way-too-tiny strips of rubberized fabric to cover their teapots.
The bar across the street has undergone a facelift paint job and we’re wasting time trying to classify the decor (as if the fate of the 3rd world depends on it) and agree that it is vintage
They have redone their signage, and when I mean signage, we’re not talking about 1 sign, there’s oh, about 50 or more signs, and yes, we counted. There’s “Coldest Damn Draft on Caye Caulker”, which I like because it uses swear words. But, as Supergirl pointed out, they have the same problem I do when I write the chalkboard sign (no spellcheck) “Shrymps” “Ceaser Salad” “Fetticini” “Choclat” With the addition of “Chef” they now accept reservations. The new chef, and yes, his name is Chef, sports a white chef jacket over what looks like swimming trunks and a big smile. The food quality is way above rice-n-beans-n-stewed chicken and has morphed into international cuisine. Last night I had a chicken Caesar salad served exactly the way I like it, fresh lime dressing, parmesan cheese, homemade croutons, cold crisp romaine lettuce and warm chicken breast sliced on top, with a side of garlic bread for about $7.50 U.S. Supergirl had a big burger with all the fixins and fries for about $6.50. Beers are still $2
Me: Do you think the word Ceaser is supposed to be Teaser Salad or Caesar Salad? Is that grammarically correct?
Supergirl: do you mean grammatically correct? (eyebrows raised)
Me: . . .