Warung Bebas

Monday, November 12, 2007

Weather Report

Looks like rain for the next couple of days. Bad for hanging out laundry, good for staying in and drinking coffee (hint hint).

A change of plans came about today because of the weather. Bigness and I were scheduled to be in Sarteneja to shoot photos for an updated website. A last minute call to check the condition of the road, a peice of important information, revealed that the roads in were impassible unless you have a 4wd. The only way into that area would be via boat from Corozal, and no time to make those arrangements. So we rescheduled for later in the month and took the day off, spent the day home, taking it easy, doing nothing. Well not exactly nothing, we had quite the time watching the shitestorm (below) unfold.

On a more pleasant note, the Sandbox Restaurant is now open for the season and I enjoyed a wonderful bowl of lobstser bisque with rice, Bigness had the baracuda steak dinner.

Little by little the island is waking up. Renvations are finishing. Businesses are reopening for the season.

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