Warung Bebas

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Guatemala September 2012

Not feeling much like writing these days. I'm doing the facebook thing which satisfies me in 50 words or less from time to time. I just thought I would share photos from a trip to Guatemala in September 2012.
Night time view from the park.

A view thru a hole in the wall

The buildings are straight, its the streets that are crooked

A new vine on an old wall

This church reminds me of a wedding cake

This plant reminds me of a dread wig and I love the hanging orchids. At least I think they are orchids.

Antigua, 4 guys on the street

Antigua in the late afternoon



Guatemalan Independence Day marching bands

Hand woven fabric

The Hope


Three Friends

A street in Panajachel

I love to see the character in this woman's face. What a life she must have lived, and the stories she can tell.

Clerks relaxing outside a shop in Panajachel

Saying goodbye to Lake Atitlan on my last full day before returning to Belize.


A look inside, from the street to an inner courtyard

 And now for the music portion of the blog...
I think this video was shot in Argentina

Tuk Tuk

Panajachel street scene


Hanging orchids


Love this photo shot in the late afternoon in Antigua. I love long shadows.


Hanging Heliconia, which is from the banana family

Soft focus

The flower shop in Antigua

Shops in Antigua

Old things in Antigua

Blue flowers

Electric Avenue

More old things

A pimped out red chicken bus

More wedding cake churches

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