Warung Bebas

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Interview with United Nations Baby

Me: smile for Gma, let me take your picture.
She: (sh*t eating grin)

Me: give me a real smile
She: it IS real

Me: what's your favorite toy?
She: sticky tape
Me: note to self - stop buying dolls and plastic crap and just give her a big roll of duct tape, oh, wait a minute, I might wake up one morning and she's ductaped her mother to the bed, like how she locked her mother in the bedroom... but that's another story - and WE'RE NOT LAUGHING ABOUT THAT ONE! Maybe I'll just get her a new roll of scotch tape. Less possible damage.

Me: what's your favorite thing to do?
She: fwim at baby beach (near the split) and watch cartoons with Gpa. (Bigness will do anything to get away with watching cartoons - sound like anyone else you know?)
Me: what's your favorite food?
She: eggs and beans and monkey meat and katsup.
Me: monkey meat?

Me: who do you like better, Gma or Gpa?
She: Gpa
Me: why?
She: he gives me ice cream every time I ask him

On Grandparenting:

Me: time to bathe and bed
Me: Babysitter has to go home
Bigness: Gial - STOP THAT - shut your beak
She: . . .
Me: how did you do that?
Bigness: I put on my big ugly face
Me: Oh, I've seen that face once or twice

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